Dec 21, 2017
How do you make it through a party when you don’t know anyone?
Since this is the last episode for 2017, I’ve decided that instead of answering one person’s questions, I’m answering several at once. After all, we’re heading straight into the heart of the holiday party season and a lot of you have many, many...
Dec 14, 2017
This week we're starting a new, semi-regular series, taking questions from readers, listeners and viewers. This week: He has no problem meeting women... but he's getting ghosted on the regular. The dates don't happen and everyone quits returning his texts and calls. Why do people ghost on dates, and, more importantly,...
Dec 7, 2017
Being interesting isn't just about knowing things or having done incredible things. You also want to be able to share those experiences with others. Most of us don’t think about the way we present ourselves to others - not just in how we look or how we act, but about why people should want to get to know us or spend...