Sep 28, 2017
How many times have you seen somebody - maybe at a bar, maybe in class, maybe at a party - who was AMAZING. They were incredible, they were everything you could possibly want in a partner and all you want to do is go up and say “Hi” if only so that you KNOW that you gave it a shot. But then when the moment came, you...
Sep 21, 2017
Stop me if you’ve heard this one
before: you’re talking with someone you’re into, and you think it’s
going well when she says the dread phrase: “I wish I could meet a
nice guy like you.”
And you’re thinking to yourself “Well… I’m nice! Why
aren’t you dating me?”
But for all the times you hear...
Sep 14, 2017
When we talk about The Friend Zone,
we tend to talk about it like it’s the worst thing that can happen
to somebody - and usually something that’s done to them -
either maliciously by women who’re just coldly “using” them or
capriciously just because screw you, that’s why.
As a result we get inane and...
Sep 7, 2017
One of the long and ongoing themes of the letters I get from my readers is “I thought this is what relationships were supposed to be like”, or “Why doesn’t this situation play out like I expect?” Other times it’s “Well, I already know that I can’t do this thing because it would never work, despite having...