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Paging Dr. NerdLove

Aug 2, 2018

When it comes to dating, there is one common issue that men have that will kill any chance you have to build attraction or a relationship: neediness.

Neediness and needy behavior is the Anti-Sex equation. No matter what else you have going for you in your life — you could travel the world, you could be world famous, you could be a millionaire with a mansion and a yacht — neediness will ultimately make people nope the hell out of your life, whether you’re in a relationship, or just trying to start one. Neediness drives people away because it's that’s a sign that someone's just not ready for a relationship.

But overcoming neediness isn't about following rules like "only text X number of times" or "only see her Y times per week"... it's about addressing the source of needy behavior.

Show Highlights:

  • Why women are turned off by needy behavior
  • How neediness is a sign of other dating deal-breakers
  • Why men with low self-esteem have a harder time finding lasting relationships
  • How fear causes needy behavior
  • Why most men never overcome neediness

...and so much more.

Related Links:

Where Do You Get Your Validation? 

The Problem With Neediness 

Eliminating Neediness

Avoid These Dating Deal Breakers

Better Dating Through Mind Control 

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